Making a Visual C++ v 5.0 project for compiling example
Improv programs
- Know where the library file is located, e.g.:
- Know where the include directory is located, e.g:
- open visual C++ (version 5.0)
- menu: file --> new --> projects --> Win 32 Console Application:
give name and location, e.g.:
name: program, location:
- menu: build --> set active configuration --> Win 32 Release
So that the program runs outside of the Visual C++
integrated development environment.
- menu: project --> settings --> C/C++ --> project options:
add: /D"VISUAL" and
The define "VISUAL" is needed to compile code specific to the
Visual C++ compiler (as opposed to "LINUX" for the linux gnu
C++ compiler).
- menu: project --> settings --> link --> object/library modules:
add: winmm.lib , and down further add:
- menu: project --> add to project --> files:
add library file: e.g.: c:\user\craig\improv\lib\improv.lib
(note that you will have to change the selection filter
to see the files that end in .lib).
- Add a program source file or create a new program file.
menu: project --> add to project --> files:
add program file: e.g.:
- menu: build --> F7 to compile the example program.
- The file should now be created in the
directory Release/program.exe relative the the location
of the project directory.
(type shift-F5 to run it while in Visual C++, or go to MSDOS